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"Wartelager“ (waiting camp) is an act of protest in public space:


Recently, member of the administrative district of NÖ, Gottfried Waldhäusl mandated the following orders to be implemented in asylum seeker accomodations in lower Austria:

  1. Asylum seekers who are absent more than 3 days straight in a month will lose their basic services.
    If these absences are separate the need for help will be severely examined.

  2. That also applies to repeating absence during the day with the only exception of summons of authorities, medical issues and legal employment (see e-mail lower-Austrian government)

These rules are disconcerting and inhumane. They deny asylum-seekers the possibility to “integrate” themselves in the Austrian society, as it has been requested by politicians and society many times. Moreover one gets the impression that asylum-seekers are restrained at any price to gain foothold in Austria. By means of these orders which are similar to deprivation of liberty people and their stories are made invisible, when they actually require the attention of a wider public. Behind (almost) closed doors the unfair treatment of refugees goes on. The protest “Wartelager” shows the absurdity of these circumstances.


The camp itself consists of a fenced floorplan at the Heldenplatz , which measurements are according to a Lower-Austrian asylum accommodation. There are beds, cupboards and chairs. The waitingcamp is inhabited by volunteers who are strictly obeying the rules of the camp. A defined procedure rules the day of those who are waiting: Everyday an attendant comes to serve food, collects signatures on the attendants list, hands out pocket money and makes property lists.


For 4 days volunteers live by the following rules, which show the orders from above as well as asylum-seekers’  reality.


  1. Persons who are waiting will be assigned to a room that they share with others.

  2. Food will be served at 8am, 1pm and 6pm.

  3. Persons who are waiting will receive pocket money (6,66€ for 4 days in the waiting camp). All personal spendings have to be covered with this money.

  4. In case of an absence of more than 3 days in a month (seperate or in a row), the inhabitants will lose their right for pocket money, food rations an accomodation.

  5. The order from above also applies if an inhabitant (waiting person) is absent during daytime. Exceptions from this rule are to be granted only in case of official hearings at authorities, medical appointments and legal employment.

(4. and 5.: see e-mail NÖ provincial government)

These rules apply for the waiting persons at Heldenplatz from 22.09.2018 12am to 26.09.  8am. For asylum-seekers in Lower-Austria they are their daily life.



We therefore demand that Waldhäusl resigns from office and that refugees who are seeking asylum in Austria are treated with respect! To support our requests there is a petition, which can be signed here.


To support our demands, there is a petition, which can be signed at Heldenplatz or here.

There is no external financing for this project. Up to now we paid everything out of our own pockets. That’s why we ask for donation. Each Euro is welcome.

Reference: Wartelager Protestaktion
Account: Garten der Begegnung
Bank: Sparkasse Baden
BIN: 20205
IBAN: AT64 2020 5010 0003 0518

YOU FIND US next to the equestrian statue of Erzherzog Karl at Heldenpatz from 22.09.18 12am to 26.09. 8am.

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